PLA material is one of new material made for degradable item for enviornmental friendly .
But due to the high cost of raw material and complex of injection molding situation,
many companies rejected to apply it into the real production.
On the principle of new centry world enviornment protection, taking the advantage of FANCY team R&D technology, FANCY INJECTION TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD make our parth to
the development of PLA injection molds development and PLA injection molding machines development. We have made over hundred trials and technical development, and finally
successfully get the molds ready for marketing sales.
PLA cutlery, such as spoon, knife, and forks, PLA bowls, PLA containers, PLA milk bottles and so on.
Molds upto 24cavity and 48cavity for high production volume.
PLA injection molding machines also for high production capacity.
New developed technology for PLA material injection molds is our technology trend for year 2021. Welcome your enqiury
New item 800m IML tub mold is latest finished TF trial and can run with cycle time 5s on high speed machine. Customer is glad to take it and will set up installation on the Aburg injection molding machine.
New item 1L IML tub mold is latest finished TF trial and can run with cycle time 8s on high speed machine at cycle time 10s. Customer is glad to take it and will set up installation on the HMD injection molding machine.
To support the customer new project promoting and avoid in advance any trouble, in addition to saving delivery time, Fancy Tech. are importing softwear and team for making KEY important simulation with high skills. Therefore, the deformation of impact, drop test, loading test as well as working load condition are forcasted and well controlled with QC.